
How To Set Up Default Printer On Mac

1. Click File → Print .

2. Select the Brother printer commuter from the Printer Listing.

For Mac OS Ten 10.7 to ten.12

     - For more folio setup options, click the Show Details push button.

     - If you are missing whatsoever of the following options, make sure you are using the Brother CUPS driver, and not a generic driver.

three. You lot may configure the following settings:

Print Settings



. Media Type: To achieve the best print results, the media being printed on should exist selected in the commuter. The machine changes the way it prints depending on the selected media blazon.

note icon Check Tiresome Drying Paper when printing with manifestly paper on which ink dries slowly.  This setting may crusade some slight blurring of text.


. Print Quality: The quality selection lets you choose the print resolution.

     -Fast: Employ for printing large-book documents or documents for proofing.  The fastest print style and the everyman amount of ink used.

     - Normal: Recommended for ordinary printing.  Good print quality with reasonable impress speeds.

     - Photo: Apply for printing photographs.  Since the print data is much larger than a normal document, the processing fourth dimension, information transfer time, and print time will be longer.

    - Best: Apply for printing precise images, such every bit photographs.  This is the highest resolution and slowest speed.

note icon The print speed will change depending on what impress quality setting you lot choose. Better print quality takes longer to impress, while lower impress quality takes less time to impress.

c. Color/Grayscale: This selection allows a color document to exist printed in blackness and white using grayscale.

d. Newspaper Source: Choose the newspaper tray that y'all'd like to impress from.

Impress Settings - Advanced

Click the triangle marker abreast Avant-garde to access these settings. a. Change Information Transfer Mode: This feature lets you choose print information transfer style to improve print quality or impress speed.


Recommended Setting: Choose this setting for general use.

     - Improved Print Quality: Choose this setting for better print quality.  Print speed may be reduced slightly, depending on the print data.


Improved Print Speed: Choose this setting for faster print speed.

b . Other Print Options :


Paper Thickness: You can choose the Paper Thickness from Regular, Thick and Envelope.


Bi-directional Press: When Bi-Directional Printing is checked, the print head prints in both directions offering faster print speeds.  When unchecked, the impress head will only print in i direction giving higher quality printouts, but slower press speeds.

Colour Settings


a. Select a Colour Mode. Color is adapted to get the closest colour match with the monitor.


Natural: Select this way if you prefer natural colors.  The color will exist adjusted then that prints appear more than natural and truthful to life.


Brilliant: Select this mode if y'all prefer vivid colors.  The color will be adjusted so that prints appear more vivid.


None: No adjustments are made to the colour.


ColorSync: This choice is shown and used automatically if you choose ColorSync in the Color Matching section from the Awarding Dropdown box.

b . Avant-garde Colour Settings/Colour Enhancement:


Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the whole paradigm.  To lighten or darken the epitome, move the scroll bar to the correct or left.


Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of an image.  This will make darker areas darker and lighter areas lighter.  Increment the contrast when you lot want an image to be clearer.  Decrease the dissimilarity when you want an image to exist more than subdued.


Red: Increases or decreases the intensity of Blood-red in the prototype.


Green: Increases or decreases the intensity of Green in the image.


Blue: Increases or decreases the intensity of Bluish in the prototype.

c. Halftone Pattern: The car tin employ two methods ( Diffusion or Dither ) to conform dots to express halftones.  At that place are some predefined patterns, and you can choose which i to use for your document.


Diffusion: Dots are put at random to create the halftones.  Utilize for printing photographs that have delicate shades and graphics.

     - Dither: Dots are arranged in a pre-defined blueprint to make halftones.  Use for press graphics that accept definite color boundaries or for printing charts such as business organisation charts.



Cull Layout from the application dropdown menu for 2-sided printing options.


. Pages per Sheet: This pick tin can reduce the paradigm size of a page assuasive multiple pages to be printed on i sheet of newspaper.


Layout Management:  Choose the arrangement of pages that volition be printed on a unmarried sheet.

b. Edge: Y'all tin choose to have a border printed effectually each printed page.  The available border styles are: Unmarried Hairline, Single Sparse Line, Double Hairline, or Double Thin Line.

c. Two-Sided:  (For machines that support automatic ii-sided (Duplex) printing)

note iconClick hither for detailed instructions on how to print on both sides of the paper. - Two-sided: Choose Long-edge binding or Short-edge bounden.


. Reverse Page Orientation: This setting rotates the printed image 180 degrees.



Flip Horizontally: This choice reverses the printout horizontally from left to right.


Newspaper Handling


a. Collate Pages: In multiple page jobs that are collated, a complete set up of pages in a job are printed followed by another complete set of pages. For example, press ii copies of a 3 folio certificate, the printer prints Page 1, Folio 2, Page 3, then Page 1, Folio 2, and Page 3 in order. In this case, the printer starts printing after processing all the print data then that it takes longer to impress collated copies than uncollated copies.  Identify a check in the box to enable this feature.

b. Manual Duplex (ii-sided):

note iconClick here for detailed instructions on how to impress on both sides of the paper.


Choose Even Merely and impress.


Reload the printed paper into the tray.


Choose Odd Only and print.


Page Society: Select the order that yous'd like the pages to exist printed in.


. Calibration to fit paper size: Chose this option if you would similar to calibration the print chore to the selected paper size.


Choose the Destination Paper Size.


You can bank check Scale down just.

iv. To relieve these settings as a preference for time to come press:

     a. Cull Save As... or Salvage Current Settings as Preset... from the Presets dropdown box.

     b. Type a name for the Preset and then click OK.

5. Click Print.

How To Set Up Default Printer On Mac,


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